
Monrovia Troop CA-0212
Resources for Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley Trail Life USA. Local troop is forming at Hope Christian Fellowship, 6116 North San Gabriel Blvd, San Gabriel, CA 91775. The meetings are on Mondays from 7 to 8:30pm.
Trail Life USA
Listing of all ranks with requirements and electives for each rank.
Achievement Transfer From BSA to Trail Life USA
There is a system for receiving credit or recognition of ranks and achievements earned or received as Scouts in BSA when joining Trail Life USA. This description is designed to provide an overview of that process.
Trail Life Ranking Overview
This guide how the rank advancements in Trail Life compare to Boy Scouts of America.
Trail Life USA
National website.
What is Trail Life?
Videos about Trail Life and it's commitment to Christian adventure, character and leadership for young men..
Trail Life USA Online Store
This is the national online store for Trail Life USA. They have uniforms, books, badges flags and hats of all sizes for the Trail Life Scout.
Trail Life Troop Leadership Guide
This guide provides information about forming your own troop and the leadership structure that has been created for Trail Life USA.
"Take A Stand Against Drugs!
This PDF was written in 2006 and is a Requirement for Akela to review with their Webelos for the Fitness Activity Badge. It includes a family pledge to Choose to Refuse. Also called "Choose to Refuse! Take A Stand Against Drugs!" and "Drugs: A Deadly GAme ! Choose to Refuse" to be discussed with an Adult.
"How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse A Parent's Guide"
This PDF, contains the booklet to be discussed with an adult that contains information for parents about child abuse and some tips to help you talk with your Cub Scout-age sons about child abuse.
Cub Scouts Clipart Gallery
Insignias, flags, and other fun graphics.
Scouter Clipart Gallery
Activities, animals, insignia, history, and order of the arrow.
U.S. Scouting Service Project Clipart and File Library
Browse through the list below and select a gallery. You can download individual images to your computer by mouse-clicking on any image in the gallery or on the title.
Camping Resource
Extensive listing of recommended places to go camping in Southern California including camping tips.
Boys Life
Read the latest Boys Life right online!
Scouting Magazine
Games, quizzes, outdoor survival tips for scouts.
Read the latest issue of Scouting right online!
This is a great resources for skits.
This is a great resources for scout games.
Baden-Powell Games Book
A wide variety of games, including FIrst Aid Games, for boy scout groups.
Boy Scouts of America
National Organization's website.
Green Bar Web Site
This site contains information of use to Scoutmasters and other adult Scouters on a number of topics. This is not a site about pioneering projects, advancement resources, or "how to's" for every skill associated with Scouting. It is a site about leadership, both adult and youth in the troop and Patrol.
Library of Scouting Forms
A great resource of forms for inspections, safety and trip planning.
Scouter Network
All sorts of resources for scouts and leaders.
U.S. Scouting Service Project
Mega site with the best of the best. Look here for 1999 rank requirements and badge changes.